Balboa Park

September 11, 2005


It's a tradition... on the first Sunday after my arrival to San Diego for a visit I go up to Balboa Park, one of the prettiest parks in the world.


It was here that I first got involved in folk dancing, back around 1966, and it is here where I have lots of fond memories.


But before I went there, I picked up my rent-a-car... and decided to upgrade myself to a convertible! Yeh!




The buildings in Balboa Park was built in 1912 for the Pan-American Exposition. They were expected to fall apart after the first rain falls but survived for many decades later. In the late 60's, early 70's they needed repair or were to be torn down. It was decided to repair some, tear down and rebuild others. In the building I started learning to dance in, they made molds of all the decorations and added them on the replacement building. They generally kept the Spanish style of the original buildings.


The bell tower... trademark of the park





This is the "Old Globe Theater" where Shakespearean and other shows are performed. I usherd there once. After a fire it had to be rebuilt and is much nicer then before.


not to forget the Sprekels Organ where concerts take place every Sunday


And of course there are lots of flowers and other plants as well as interesting trees....




this tree is over 90 years old



And yes, I did do some dancing... not much, but some. And it was so great to see many of my friends...though the number is dwindling...