Salt Lake City

September 6, 2008


My flight out of San Diego was delayed in departure for one hour... we sat in the plane the whole time. They needed some small part and couldn't take-off until it was found and installed. The delay made many passengers miss their connection flights, including me. I then had a 5 hour layover to "waste", but the gal at the check-in made a good suggestion. It seems they have a FREE tour of the center of town, i.e. there's a FREE bus you can take which drops you off in town, then picks you back up. You can then walk around the area of the tempel and other sights... all FREE! Even the entrance to the museums were free and photography is allowed! Needless to say, I took up on the offer and went into town.


The biggest impression I got were of the extremely friendly people. The elderly couple running the bus were so sweet, and all the people working at the various museums were also so nice and friendly as well as informative. OK, so the two gals at the "Beehive", former home of Brigham Young, carried a copy of "The Book of Mormons" around with them, but that didn't bother me at all.


It was an enjoyable distraction from the airport terminal and made the delay in my flight into just another adventure!



Here the flight was still in San Diego and I

had to think of my journalspace friend, KauaiFinn,

when I saw this cone.



There was quite a bit of fog over San Diego,

but it luckily didn't bother the flight.





El Cajon from the air



and elsewhere...



the copper mines, supposedly visible from space



approaching Salt Lake City



































the Tabernacle



















short before Dallas





Stand: 27.12.2011