Babysitting Priyasha
October 27, 2011
Karen and Shiana had a big event to dance at and of course, Carsten had to help out setting things up. So, what to do with Priyasha? Grandma Dorrie to the rescue!
Problem: I had my own dance class that evening and no way to change it. Solution: drop Priyasha off at Regina's or take her with me to class.
I left the office early and drove to Carsten's office where he put the car seat into my car. Then I drove to Priyasha's kindergarden to pick her up. When she saw me she yelled out: "OMA!!" What a sweet greeting!
I packed her into the car and drove to Regina's. We weren't sure if Priyasha would stay with them, which was why we thought I might have to take her to class with me. But we didn't need to worry. I think she really enjoyed her stay, and Regina and her kids also enjoyed her. It was good for them to get to know each other without big sister, Shiana, around.
After class I picked her was now around 8:30 p.m. and Emely and Tamara were already in dreamland. When we got back home, I put her right to bed and she slept right away. I then waited for Carsten and Karen to return home, which was around midnight. Then off to home I went! It was a long, but fun, day! |
Emely being silly.... |
Tamara busy.... |
....doing homework |
getting to know NaLa and Cookie |
And here are the pictures of Shiana and Priyasha taken at their kindergarden! Soooooooo cute!! | |
up-date: 26.12.2011