Fun and Games


January 8 - 15, 2008


Not only a good organisation, but also the people are an important factor toward the success of a trip. I found that all the crew of the trip extremely friendly and nice. But also my fellow passengers were, with only a few exceptions, a fun group.


The first few days were spent getting to know each other. The first step was meeting the people who we shared the table at the meals with. Each tour group had their own "leader/guide" and are schedule for tours kept us together as a group. Our leader was Mohamed Ali (yep, that's his real name), a real nice Egyptian who spoke very good German and was very knowledgable about the history of his homeland. He was also quite funny, and also watched over us like a mother hen! He called our group "1" and every time it was time to gather, he would call out "Eiiiiiins"! Another German group that was often with us at tempels the same time and also from out ship was called the "Pharaoh's".... how original. LOL


Mohamed and Helga


The first few evenings some of us were disappointed that there was no evening entertainment of any kind. In the salon, where there was a wooden dance floor, they did have music playing, but no one danced. Ok, what can you expect from a floating "old folks home"! LOL With some exceptions, most of the passengers were my age and older!


On Friday I brought out my folk dance music and we made our own entertainment.... it was fun! The following pictures were "borrowed" from Helga....










On Saturday evening, while we were still in Assuan harbor, we had a much too short demonstration of Egyptian folklore.










On Sunday evening we had a real nice evening event! The dining room was beautifully decorated by the crew, who all wore their traditional costumes. We were also encouraged to wear costumes we had purchased and of course you didn't have to ask me twice! But of course, not everyone participated. I'm hoping to get some more pictures from others.....



some of the "Eins" and "Pharaoh's"



Mohamed and Rosi



Michael, Christiane, Helga, Mohamed, Rosi



Rosi attempted to wrap me up like a mumie





It was on this evening that the crew made the prettiest carvings out of fruits. The whole room was draped in the material shown on the left.

On Monday evening, during our stay back in Luxor, we again had a folklore demonstration, with a belly dancer. But she was so bad (she's the one on the left)! One of the other passengers was much better, and if looks could kill, the gal on the right would be dead now!










last update: 05.12.2010