Hatschepsut Tempel


Thursday, January 10, 2008


My favorite Pharoah, Hatschepsut, once built a huge and different type of tempel near the Valley of the Kings. For years she was the reigning Pharaoh since her step son, the later Thutmosis III, was too young at the time. When Thutmosis finally became Pharaoh after her death, he had her picture and name removed from the tempel and elsewhere out of revenge for keeping him off the throne for so long. You can see the scratched out images in many tempels, not only done by Thutmosis, but also by other Pharaohs, and not only Hatschepsut's images.


In time the tempel was almost completely destroyed and has now been rebuilt, by a Polish company, though not 100% according to the original. But still, it's style and size was fascinating and interesting!






















































this is the fancy hotel the Polish built for their workers... supposedly the "nicest" building they did during their stay.







last update: 05.12.2010