Luxor Tempel


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Toward evening we had our next tour, the Luxor Tempel. After visiting all the other tempels up to now (Karnak, Hatschepsut, Valley of Kings) I thought this one would impress me. I was wrong! As with all the tempels I would be visiting in the next days I WAS impressed! Each has it's own importance, it's own charm.


The Luxor Tempel was once directly connected to the Karnak Tempel via a straight allee lined with lion figures. Most of that is now over-built, though part is being re-done. On one section the building on top of the former allee can't be removed since it's a Moshee and houses of God are never torn down or replaced.




































While we were at the tempel, the sun was setting and it soon became dark, but awesome!
























the road to Karnak


last update: 05.12.2010