

The outer Upper Germanic-Rhaetian boundary wall ("Limes") is one of the most outstanding archaeological monuments in Central Europe and has recently been put on the world cultural heritage list of the UNESCO. Many of the installations associated with the wall were unearthed as the result of excavations recently carried out by the different Regional Offices for the Protection of Ancient Monuments and have been conserved because of their excellent state of preservation. They include forts, baths and towers together with parts of the fortifications themselves such as ramparts, ditches, walls and palisades. Also taken into consideration are museum-like facilities such as protective structures covering Roman ruins which are explained by plans, photographs and finds as well as archaeological parks located in the neighbourhood of boundary wall structures with reconstructed or restored exhibitions. Many of these areas are called "archaeological reserves" and comprise archaeological monuments which, still largely intact, have been purchased by arrangement with the town or community in question usually with financial assistance from the regional government or from antiquarian societies and converted from their existing or planned purpose and put to new use. Thus the archaeological material has been preserved and will be at the disposal of future generations for updated, improved methods of research. Finally, attention is drawn to the regional and local museums where archaeological discoveries from the "Limes" have been     
prepared for display to the public.

The German "Limes" Road runs close to the Upper Germanic-Rhaetian "Limes" from the Rhine to the Danube. Most of the forts were founded at the beginning or middle of the 2nd century and existed until the end of the Roman occupation 260/270 A.D.. The "Limes" runs from Rhein-brohl to Regensburg, covering a distance of over 500 km. It has long been a traditional site of archaeological excavation work and 1892 saw the establishment of the Imperial "Limes" Commission with a view to investigating all aspects of the wall as a whole and in uniform fashion. For this purpose the distance from the Rhine to the Danube via Eining was divided into 15 sections. Sections 10 and 11 cover the older stretch called "Odenwaldlimes" and are not taken into consider-ation here. The different watch towers (T) along the "Limes" and the forts were given numbers by the Imperial >Limes< Commission.




















updated: 11.12.2010