

In 1979 I moved with my family to Babenhausen/Hessen, Germany. I moved away in 1992 but came back in 2010.


The town has so much to offer. In the 1980's I became a tour guide, which gave me in insight to it's history. In 2011 I renewed my membership in the local historical society and once again became a tour guide.


On these pages I would like to share some impressions of this lovely town, which is a "city" by rights though not by size. Historical dates and other information will be added with time.......


Babenhausen is composed of the main town plus a number of smaller villages. Langstadt is the villiage I moved to in 2010, Carsten lived for a short time in Hergershausen, the same villiage Regina built her house. Then there is Sickenhofen, Harpertshausen, and Harreshausen.


Then there is also the Kaserne, a collection of buildings built by the citizens around 1900. From after WWII up until 2008 (?) there were American Army soldiers and their families stationed there.


General Impressions
Tour Guiding  
The various villiages that form Babenhausen
Langstadt Hergeshausen
Harreshausen Harpertshausen


St. Nikolaus church  / Stadtkirche

The castle / Schloß

The City Mill / Stadtmühle

Towers and walls

The half-timbered houses

Doors / Türen

The Kaserne

Dokuments / Information / Photos


With some exceptions, most of the photos found here are my own. Historical information I have attained through various books, pamphlets, documents, and other publications of the "Heimat und Gesichtsverein Babenhausen e.V.", plus searching through the internet. I have tried to make sure that any items published here are either already available for public use on the internet or are my own.


up-dated: 23.04.2012